Gempa Bumi. Ibu Maut Selamatkan Bayi. Nota Di Phone Buat Penyelamat MENANGIS !!! Nota itu Berbunyi.........

Gempa Bumi. Ibu Maut Selamatkan Bayi. Nota Di Phone Buat Penyelamat MENANGIS !!!

Gempa Bumi. Ibu Maut Selamatkan Bayi. Nota Di Phone Buat Penyelamat MENANGIS !!! | Tahun 2011, berlaku gempa bumi di China yang mengorbankan ramai orang. 24 jam telah pun berlalu dan pasukan penyelamat menemui ibu dan bayi ini. Ibunya telah pun meninggal dunia manakala bayinya tidak sedar diri tetapi masih ada denyutan nadi.
Doktor cepat2 selamatkan anak tersebut. Ketika sedang mengambil bayi tersebut mereka terjumpa handphone di sebalik selimut bayi tersebut. Tulisan di hp tersebut sangat sayu. Nota itu berbunyi “jika kamu masih hidup, jangan lupa yang mak sayang awak”. KREDIT Newsner. (Boleh baca original artikel dalam English di bawah)
Few things that are stronger than maternal instinct. When a rescue team searched for survivors after an earthquake in East Asia in 2011, they had clear proof of this. It was while rescue workers dug through the rubble of a collapsed house that a woman was discovered, laying in fetal position.
Tragically, it was impossible to rescue her – she was already dead. But as they continued to dig, they made another discovery, which shocked the rescue team.
Under the woman, lay a tiny baby. The mother had clearly been trying to protect her child when the earthquake occurred. The rescue team then discovered that the 3-month-old baby had a pulse, according to
Despite it being estimated that the two were buried for 24 hours – the baby miraculously survived.
Doctors quickly attended to the small child. And next to her son, wrapped in a blanket, they found a cell phone with a message on the screen.
When one of the rescue workers read it, he broke down in tears:
“If you survive, never forget that I love you.” Thanks to this mother’s rapid action, the boy did survive – and her courage has since been hailed by thousands.

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